Nepali sitcom that publicized each Friday on NTV. The show debuted on 2 October 2013 and finished unexpectedly regardless of being a standout amongst the most saw TV programs in Nepal.[citation needed] The show was delivered by Mr Subash Karki under the flag of Subi Films Pvt. Ltd. who likewise plays a character of Belase in Bhadragol. Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire are the journalists and, Shankar Acharya coordinates the show. The story depended on town life. The show stars the maker, Mr Subash Karki as "Belase" and Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, Rakshya Shrestha and Hari Niraula. The show rotates round the every day happenings of a town in Nepal. Jigri is a youthful law breaker who, alongside his colleagues Bale and Cockroach, carries out negligible violations and invests the majority of his energy savoring the neighborhood bar. Pandey, one of the focal characters of the serial, is the most tricky man in the whole town who is master in tricking and conning the villagers with his clever thoughts.
Parcel and Kakroj Traveling to USA
Nepali sitcom that publicized each Friday on NTV. The show debuted on 2 October 2013 and finished unexpectedly regardless of being a standout amongst the most saw TV programs in Nepal.[citation needed] The show was delivered by Mr Subash Karki under the flag of Subi Films Pvt. Ltd. who likewise plays a character of Belase in Bhadragol. Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire are the journalists and, Shankar Acharya coordinates the show. The story depended on town life. The show stars the maker, Mr Subash Karki as "Belase" and Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, Rakshya Shrestha and Hari Niraula. The show rotates round the every day happenings of a town in Nepal. Jigri is a youthful law breaker who, alongside his colleagues Bale and Cockroach, carries out negligible violations and invests the majority of his energy savoring the neighborhood bar. Pandey, one of the focal characters of the serial, is the most tricky man in the whole town who is master in tricking and conning the villagers with his clever thoughts.
National News
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