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Ranju Darshana Controversy

Distributed On: May 4, 2017
With neighborhood level races slated for May 14 and June 14, parties have begun reporting their candidates for the position of Mayor of the Kathmandu Metropolitan City.

Bibeksheel Nepali's decision of hopeful, 21-year old Ranju Darshana, has been making waves as the most youthful candidate for Mayor till date.

Shashwat Acharya and Supriya Gurung talked with Darshana about her application, her methodology for running, the arrangements and strategies she needs to present, and the issue of her political freshness.

How might you persuade individuals to vote in favor of you?

Giving me your vote implies that you are voting in favor of progress. Those government officials our identity comfortable with have as of now demonstrated to us what they are prepared to do; they have as of now demonstrated to us what they can—and what they can't—do.

I speak to a whole era of youth.

Upwards of 82 percent Kathmandu's aggregate populace involves those less than 45 years old. The middle age of the populace is 21.9. These are the gatherings that I am attempting to interest.

While more established eras have needed to manage various issues, the young people confront various inconveniences too.

This timeframe has a place with the new era; the ball is in our court to handle the issues tormenting our country.

Our era can guarantee that the past, present and future eras are all around accommodated.

It is my expectation that the future eras won't see past administration with aversion, as we have come to do.

What pulled in you particularly to the post of a leader?

The constitution expresses that once a subject is 21, they are qualified for nomination. In any case, lawful issues aside, I surmise that I can't delay. Kathmandu is known as a metropolitan city, however the criteria for this title has not been satisfied.


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