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The world's deadliest lady? Meet the 'Kim Kardashian' of Mexican sorted out cr!me

Distributed On: March 1, 2017
As a youthful mum with exciting looks, well proportioned figure and honey bee sting sulk, the simi­­lar­­ities with reality star Kim Kardashian are there for all to see.

Claudia Ochoa Felix even has the tycoon life and armed force of bodyguards.

However not at all like the US celeb's heavies, the furnished security of the Mexican excellence are not to shield her from over-enthusiastic fans… but rather from assassins.For Claudia has purportedly turned into the new leader of the world's most savage hit squad Los Ántrax, in charge of several ridiculous murders as the dangerous Sinaloa medication cartel's tip top contract executioner squad.

The Mexican posse is referred to US knowledge as "the world's most capable medication trafficking association", its hitmen dreaded as the planet's deadliest.

Is this Claudia Ochoa Felix TWERKING her goods on a shoreline in Brazil?

As of late they were connected to three solidified bodies swung from an extension, eight individuals shot playing volleyball and a weapon fight with adversaries which left 30 dead.But after Los Ántrax supervisor Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa – known as El Chino – was captured, his Twitter-adoring sweetheart Claudia is said to have been introduced as the new boss.

Until then everything she might do had been diagrammed via web-based networking media destinations where she routinely posted pictures of herself in stilettos, stroking her uniquely designed pink AK-47 programmed rifle, leaning back among covered men and propping a destructive M16 strike rifle on her shapely hip.

Her depiction of an existence of opiates and narcissism undercut her earnest foreswearing that she is La Emperatriz de Los Ántrax – the Empress of Los Ántrax.Known as the Mexican Kim Kardashian, the mother-of-three picked up reputation after it was wrongly announced she had been tormented and killed. The casualty was, truth be told, Yurina Castillo Torres, a previous sweetheart of Gamboa who looked strikingly like Claudia. In spite of her request that she is only a given mum, Claudia squandered no time in benefiting from the error by raising her reputation through her web locales with a surge of implicating pictures.

Yet, as news developed of her ascent to power she rushed to erase as much confirmation as she could connecting her to Los Ántrax. Rather she made another Facebook page including she had done as such "to clear up every one of your questions so as additionally to answer your inquiries… the main thing I request that is you be deferential!" she composed.

Gone were the photos she had delighted in and in their place showed up photographs of an adoring mother given to her two youthful children youngsters and her "princesita" little girl.

The pictures of her past however stay over the web. Pictures demonstrating her AK-47 on the red cowhide seats of a BMW Series 3, the skull image of Los Antrax painted in dark on the ammo cut and another of one of her young children lying on a bed shrouded in groups of money. She can be seen posturing with individuals from a society band which created an anthem to Los Ántrax. In one photograph the 27-year-old is even observed holding an explosive launcher while cautioning: "Watch your progression, friend!"Claudia is likewise observed incalculable circumstances in pictures posted by youthful individuals from the Sinaloa. One insight source stated: "Felix claims she is only a standard mum yet what number of moms have specially designed weapons?

"She has admittance to galactic riches however has never worked a day nor originated from a family with cash. None of her previous sweethearts have either."

The father of her kids is accounted for to be dreaded cartel lieutenant El Chavo Felix. Be that as it may they part and Claudia proceeded onward to another pack part Dorian Trinidad Leon Angulo. He kicked the bucket in an auto

crash – not long after getting away correctional facility – in 2011 while Claudia sat close by.

She survived and again discovered love inside the cartel, getting to be noticeably required with El Chino who, as indicated by reports, she went ahead to wed. The playboy was the group's top authority. His fundamental parts were to supervise its outfitted squadron and ensure Sinaloa's big shots, which incorporated the pioneer of the cartel, El Chapo (Shorty) Guzman, who is as of now apprehended in Mexico.

Like Claudia, El Chino cherished web-based social networking, immersing Twitter and Instagram with photographs demonstrating his evil gotten sports autos, yachts and weapons. Far from the web he was occupied with guaranteeing the Sinaloa cartel remained the most capable posse on the planet.

A blood-doused war between medication packs, seething in Mexico since 2006, has asserted 100,000 lives. Any individual who undermines to remain in Sinaloa's direction is instantly executed, with El Chino blamed for being by and by in charge of many homicides, including the killings of the three dangled from an extension in 2011.

The execution was viewed as reprisal after a Sinaloa pioneer was killed in a war with the adversary Beltran Leyva cartel.

Innumerable casualties have been executed by the pack's trademark cutting tool decapitating. A few society tunes, known as narcocorridos, specify El Chino Antrax as an exquisite and fit man with a desire for the high life – and outrageous brutality. His moniker, El Chino, is said to have been authored as he looks to some as if he has Chinese family line.

In Twitter and Instagram posts he would frequently obscure his face, while using programmed weapons and posturing with insufficiently clad young ladies.


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