A Mongolian Buddhist priest, around 200-years of age, was found in Songino Khairkhan territory on January 27th. He is accepted to be in 'profound contemplation' and 'not dead'. As indicated by The Siberian Times, the priest was secured with steers skin and was found in the leg over leg lotus present.
गोलियामा २०० बर्षको बुद्धिस्ट भिक्षुणी ध्यान गरिरहेको अबस्थामा जिउदै भेटिए भिडियोसहित
मंगोलियामा २०० बर्षको बुद्धिस्ट भिक्षुणी ध्यान गरिरहेको अबस्थामा जिउदै भेटिए भिडियोसहित
A Mongolian Buddhist priest, around 200-years of age, was found in Songino Khairkhan territory on January 27th. He is accepted to be in 'profound contemplation' and 'not dead'. As indicated by The Siberian Times, the priest was secured with steers skin and was found in the leg over leg lotus present.
A Mongolian Buddhist priest, around 200-years of age, was found in Songino Khairkhan territory on January 27th. He is accepted to be in 'profound contemplation' and 'not dead'. As indicated by The Siberian Times, the priest was secured with steers skin and was found in the leg over leg lotus present.
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